Don’t Be Precious - Pastor Naeem Fazal

October 01, 2024 00:38:56
Don’t Be Precious - Pastor Naeem Fazal
The Mosaic Church Podcast
Don’t Be Precious - Pastor Naeem Fazal

Oct 01 2024 | 00:38:56


Show Notes

Do you have soul fragility? People who appear outwardly strong can be inwardly weak when it comes to criticism, other people’s opinions and rejection. If you want to learn to let things go, you have to stay focused on a higher, deeper purpose.

In week 4 of “The Church the World Needs,” Pastor Naeem wraps the series with a story from Matthew 11, where Jesus doesn’t rescue John the Baptist from jail or his eventual death. Looking at John’s life and purpose and will teach us to not be precious and to not be offended by Jesus.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hey, guys, this is Naeeb and you've reached the Mosaic church podcast. So excited that you're part of our listening community and I'd love for you to be even more connected. So check out our website. There's more content there and there's more opportunities for you to get connected in our ministries and events as well. Also, love for you to share this content if this is blessed to you. I know that God wants to use you to bless other people with it, so share this podcast if you will. Lastly, would you consider supporting this ministry? This is made possible by other people's generosity and I'd love for you to pay it forward. Join us to reclaim the message and the movement of Jesus together. So would you consider giving to this ministry? I know that God is able to do immeasurably more through us when we come together. Thank you so much. God bless you and enjoy. [00:00:58] Well, good. Good morning to you, friends. How we doing this morning? Good. Good, good. I love it. You know, they say make noise because I need to make. I need you guys to make noise for me to feel. [00:01:11] No, I just said that as a thing. I just said. I said I'm not that emotionally needed. That's what I was trying to say. But you can make some noise. It feels good, though. It feels good. It feels good. Hey, glad you're here. Glad you're here. If you're a guest here for the first time, here's what we're doing. We're in a series, but we're concluding our series, and the series is called. Is called what the church the world needs. Yes. And if you're a guest here, just so you know, we are like, talk back church, as in we don't talk back. But I mean, I mean, there's a lot of participation that happens. Okay. So if you see people like or hear people respond, get a little loud, forgive them, it's all good. You can do this. Okay? If you're a recovering baptist, we're here for you. We're here for you. If you're a recovering catholic, we're here for you. Okay. But so this series we kicked off, and Kristen actually taught us that the first thing we need to know is that the church that the world needs is a church that doesn't have all the answers but asks the right questions. Ask the right questions. So I just thought, you know what? Since then, I've been asking some questions as we kick off the conversation. And so every week I've been asking this question or certain questions, and I noticed that they're not really great questions. You know what I'm saying? I'm not asking the right questions. I'm asking silly questions so everybody can play along. And today is no different friends. So I want to ask you a question. Is that cool? Is that cool? All right. Play along. Okay. [00:02:34] How many of you are down for glamping? Glamping? Yes. Yes. Do you know what glamping means? Anybody? Tell me. Talk to me. What does it mean? Glamping. Fancy camping. Yes. Bougie camping. Yes. I'm here for that, friends. I'm here for that. I'll never, ever forget. I was in college, and I had just gotten to the states, and I was in a part of a collegiate christian group, and they were going out, not glamping. They were going camping. They were going camping, and they were like, you want to go? And I'm like, first of all, why would I want to do that? Because they explained what camping was. And I thought, you know, I don't know if you know this, but I spent my entire life. I come from. I come from. Just so you know, I come from third world country in Pakistani. Okay? We've spent our whole life trying to get into houses. You know what I'm saying? We don't leave our houses to go outside and sleep outside. You know what I'm saying? It's not. So I went camping, and I'll tell you what. It's for the birds. [00:03:29] Literally, it's for the birds. You know what I'm saying? Now, don't ask my son. Cause my son right here, Asher, he loves it. The boy will sleep on a hammock on a tree. He's the way to go. But all of you glampers go with me, because we bougie. We fancy. We like it. We like it soft. We like all. Yeah, it's all good. Now, why am I asking. Why am I asking you this question? Here's the deal. Here's the deal. Because I remember the first time I did go, right, one of my. I think it was my brother in law. I think it was my brother in law. He was like. He was like. Because I was kind of not complaining. I was like, this is camping. Why are we doing this? And he was like, oh, man, you're precious. [00:04:07] Okay, first of all, I was like, yes, I am, actually. I'm preciously and wonderfully made. It's in the Bible. And he was like, no, it's fearfully. Whatever, man. Same difference. And also, I am. You know what I'm saying? I have no problem with being precious. Okay. No problem with that. It's supposed to be a dis on you. I'm more comfortable than you are. You know what I'm saying? Like, no. Okay. But it's so interesting because I feel like I'm not. I don't know if I. [00:04:33] When someone calls you precious, it's not a compliment, apparently. It's not apparent. It's not. It's like you're kind of soft. You can't handle it. You can't take it. You can't. You know, you're just not good. You're not tough enough or whatever. Whatever. Whatever. And see, I gotta tell you, my whole life, I've thought. I don't think I'm that, because I've just. Just my life experience. Some of you guys know my story as an immigrant and all that. I just don't think that. I just don't think I'm like, you know, precious or whatever. But recently, I was on a podcast with Kristin and Rich Viodis, and we have a podcast, by the way, called becoming church. It's awesome. It's getting national attention. Friends. Kristen just. She just interviewed one of the cast members from the chosen. Yeah, I know. Yeah. It's getting big. It's getting big. Check it out. It's on Spotify. It's on podcasts. All the places you get your podcast from. So, anyways, we're on this podcast, and the author, the guy, talks about soul fragility. He introduces this concept. Now, we have some profound conversations there, and he explains soul fragility. [00:05:40] And I thought, oh, I think I am. I have that condition. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, it's basically what it is. [00:05:49] It's not like your mind or your body is fragile, but your soul is fragile that you don't have the whatever or you haven't built up the whatever to take criticism or take conflict. And your soul is fragile. And I didn't admit it on the podcast because who would? [00:06:09] I was like, I think I have it. [00:06:13] I think. And because I think of some of the people that put stuff out there, like, Pastor Kirsten does a great job. She puts stuff out there, and she gets so criticized for all kinds of things because, I mean, you know, and. And sometimes I've thought of the. I've read the comments they write about her, you know, and just because of the fact that she's famed female and a pastor, that's it. Just because of that and the stuff that people say, I was like, I don't think I could hack it. I don't think so. I'm like, I don't want to put stuff out there because my soul is fragile. I'm like, I couldn't take this much criticism. Like, I couldn't live with it. It's not like I want everybody to love me. I just need everybody to love me. You know what I'm saying? There's a difference, friends. There's a difference. So, anyways, I'm thinking about this, and I'm thinking, okay, this is the last installment of this series that the church, the world, needs. And I was like, okay, what do we need to talk about? And I was like, this is. I gotta talk about this. I gotta talk about this. I gotta talk about this idea that the church the world needs is not, is not precious, but has a purpose, that we have to be driven by purpose. A church that the world needs right now. People that the world needs now, are not people who are precious, but that has purpose. No dissing on precious people. I'm talking about, we cannot have this fragility of our souls that we get offended so quickly or we get messed up so quickly, or we get sidetracked so quickly. We have to have a deeper purpose. And I've seen people in my life that, you know, who go through so many things, go through so much criticism and so much resistance in life and so much closed doors, and the one thing that keeps them going is this purpose in their life. For some of them, it's clearly, it's like a God given purpose. For some others, it's a determination to do the right thing, to make it. There's some people out there who just, they're just so determined. And I wonder if they're more determined than they are strong. It's not about strength. It's about perseverance. It's not about getting. It's about just getting up every time you get punched. And I just thought, man, the church, the world needs people. The world needs, the next generation needs is people who are not precious, but are driven by purpose, a deep sense of purpose. And so what I want to do, I want to talk to you about a passage scripture where God will really challenge a lot of us, challenge my soul fragility, big time. And I thought, what? Because as I think of being a pastor for all these years, 25 plus years, I think of, like, man, the amount of things that I've faced. And sometimes I just want to complain about it. And every time I read this passage, every time I read this passage, it challenges me to the core. And so I thought, why not share the pain with you guys? You know what im saying? Lets just share the love right here. So well jump right into it. Now, if you have your bibles, if you got something that you can look up scripture, were going to be in Matthew, chapter eleven. And im going to give you the context. Okay. This passage, Matthew, kind of records kind of an incident that takes place. And the two major people in this is John and Jesus. John is John the Baptist. Okay, John the Baptist. Okay. Now, John the Baptist and Jesus had a relational connection, right? Anybody wanna know, let me know what it is. They were what? They were cousins? Yes, yes. One person reads their Bible. What about you guys? You know, so, yeah, yeah, of course. Yeah, he's a cousin. But besides that, though, John is also this guy who lives his entire life preparing the way for Jesus. As in, he is known for John the Baptist because he's this guy who started baptizing people. He's the guy who did it. He started the whole baptism thing. And then he was also the guy who baptized who. Yes, he was the guy who baptized Jesus. And right after he baptized him, in fact, his disciples were there. They were baptizing people. Jesus was baptized. And right after that, he said, he said this. He made the statement and it's recorded. He looked at Jesus and he says, there, this guy is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. They were like, I'm sorry, who? He's like, this is the messiah. I just baptized the messiah. That's why I had an issue baptizing him. He is the messiah. He's the one. Do not follow me anymore. It's over. Go with him. And so at that point, history records that people started his disciples. John's disciples started following Jesus. So if there's one guy who would be convinced of who Jesus was, it would be who? John the Baptist. Of course he was. Of course it was. In fact, in fact, for those of you who read, you know, you know, the Bible stuff, okay, you know, that there was an actual incident. John and Jesus had a connection even early, early on when the two moms got together. You know what happened, right? Some of you guys are nodding your heads. Yeah, yeah. So John, it says, leapt in his mother's womb. [00:11:08] The boy knew Jesus. [00:11:11] He had a deep connection with Jesus. So I just want you to know that then. I also want you to know that before I read this passage to you, this message that John sends Jesus. John is in prison at this point. Okay? So John is prepared the way, you know, Jesus is doing his thing. John is just telling people. John is being this guy who was pretty radical, revolutionary, and he's telling people about the just the kingdom of God. And he does his own thing. But one of the things he does is he makes a political statement. [00:11:45] He does something about a king that gets him into trouble. And let me tell you what he did. Basically, there was a guy named Herod, Herod Antipas. And he went to Rome, from Galilee. He went to Rome to visit his brother. And when he got there, he noticed his wife, and he was like, oh, okay, okay. And he basically slipped into her DM's. It's not in the scriptures, but it's implied. So he starts a relationship with his brother's wife. Next thing you know, he's divorced, marries her, brings her back to Gali, and now he's like, hey, got a new wife. It's awesome, awesome, awesome. John gets up and goes, you know what? That. I know you're in position of authority. I know you're a leader. I know you're an influencer and all that, but that is wrong. And for that, he gets thrown in jail. And they literally want his head. They're like, we're gonna shut this guy up. We're gonna shut this guy up. So he is in jail waiting. Jesus is doing his thing. He's doing his thing, doing his preaching, healing, doing his stuff. He sends word to Jesus and says, hey, jesus. He tells them, hey, tell Jesus I'm actually. I know he knows everything, whatever. But listen, I'm in jail. So what's happening here? What are we doing? We're in this together. You know what I'm saying? We're in this together, right? And I'm in jail. So what's happening? And the chances are, if you don't intervene, if you don't do something, if you don't talk to the king, if you don't do something, I am going to get beheaded. [00:13:18] So that's the scenario. [00:13:22] What happens is Jesus hears this, doesn't do anything, doesn't rush over, doesn't do anything. You know, we've known Jesus to be like, hey, I'll take my time going. And the fourth day, I'll go, it's Lazarus. Okay? He's dead, but he's up again. Like, no, Jesus doesn't acknowledge it. He doesn't do it. He's like, he's doing his thing. So finally, John gets some of the people and says, go ask Jesus this. Just say this to him. So that's where we kick it off. He says this, verse 13. He says, he says, help me out. He says, are you the coming one or helping out? Or what do we, what do we look for another? He's like, are you the messiah, or is there someone else? Now, remember, if there was one guy who would know who Jesus was and Jesus was the messiah, it would be who, John? John would be the guy. John is the guy saying, are you the one? Like, are you the messiah? Or are you. Should we be looking for someone else? Now, if you, like, break this down into the original language. [00:14:32] What John is really asking is like, what are you doing? [00:14:37] Why are you not acting like the messiah? [00:14:40] Like, why? If you're the messiah, act like one. [00:14:44] If you're the messiah, act like one. If you don't be the. If you're not going to be the messiah, we'll start looking for someone else. John is a little upset because he was like, if you were the messiah, I think you'd be the guy who would say the stuff that I said, and I'm in jail also, if you're the messiah, what am I doing in jail? [00:15:03] I'm your cousin. We have a connection. What are you doing? What's happening? Why aren't you doing enough? [00:15:11] Like, that's really what Jesus is saying to ask him, why aren't you acting. If you're God, why aren't you acting like it? Let me ask you this. Have you ever thought that if you're God, why don't you start acting like one? [00:15:28] Like, if you're God, why don't you stop this? [00:15:30] If you're God, why don't you show up? If you're God, why am I going through this? If you're God, if you're the one, if you're the one, why am I doing this? If you're the God who gives direction and counsel, why am I always confused? If you're the prince of peace, why in the world am I taking pills for anxiety? [00:15:51] Because I don't know. If you are the one. [00:15:54] Maybe I should just keep on looking. [00:15:59] See, I get John, because if I'm in jail, I'm going any day now. [00:16:06] Any day now. And today. And today. So they go and tell Jesus this, and then Jesus gives them a message, okay? And if this is, this is obviously ancient days. Maybe this was a text message. He gets this text message back, right? Or he gets this. This is what Jesus is, tells them to say verse four and five. He says, here's what you need to go tell John. So go and tell John. The things which you hear and see. The blind help me out. The blind what see, the lame what walk. The lepers are, the deaf, the dead are, and the poor have the preached to them. He's like, go tell them what's happening right now. Go tell him what's happening right now. Which is confusing right to us. But you know what? It reminds me? It reminds me and it communicates to everybody over there because they were confused. Because the guy who had was most convinced, most convinced is doubting. If the most convinced person is doubting, then what about us? What about us, our real world? We're like, I don't even know if the most, the guy who's most convinced is doubting, what about us? And then if the most faithful guy, the most faithful guy now has to be reminded. So Jesus is saying, just go remind John that, yes, life is a mess, and you're in a mess, and I'm in a mess. And he might be in a prison, and I might be in relational mess, financial mess. You're in a mess. Tell John you're in a mess, your life is messy, world is a mess. But I'm still doing miracles in the middle of it. [00:17:53] I'm still doing miracles, man. The blind are still, I'm not, I'm not. I came here, and what I'm doing, I'm acting like the messiah. I'm doing the miracles. The problem is I'm just not providing a miracle for you. [00:18:07] The problem is I'm just not showing up the way you want me to show up. I'm just not doing it. I get that. I get that. I get that because I just want you to be reminded. I know you've been the most faithful, but sometimes the most faithful among us need to be reminded. God is still God, and he still does miracles in the midst of it. And it's so tough. It's so tough. And that's why Jesus, when he says that, he ends with this statement right here. He ends with this. What does he say? He says. He says, and blessed. Blessed is he who is not. Who is not what? What's that word? [00:18:42] What's the word? Louder? [00:18:44] Offended because of me. Amy looks at the people, he says, go tell John this. [00:18:52] And then he said, tell John this. [00:18:55] Blessed is he who's not offended by me. [00:18:58] And basically he's saying, tell John, hey, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna show up. [00:19:07] I know we have a deep connection, and I love you, and I know you've given your life. I know you're giving your life, mentally, emotionally, you've physically been living in the desert. If you know the story of John, he has not been glamping by any means. [00:19:22] He's been camping out, doing whatever he can do. He's been living his whole life. He says, john, I love you. I love you, but I am not going to save you. [00:19:34] And I just pray and hope that you don't die bitter. [00:19:41] Because if you are offended by me, because I didn't show up and I didn't do the things you thought I was going to do, just, you're going to be so blessed if you're not offended by me. You know what's so true here? It's true because I'm tempted. I'm tempted when things have not gone. [00:19:59] I know that Jesus has forgiven me and God has forgiven me, but I don't know if I've forgiven God for some things. [00:20:06] How about you? [00:20:09] Could it be possible that you're already offended? [00:20:13] Like, God upset some things and you are so upset at him and you sit there and maybe you watch and you go, I don't believe this anymore. Because if he was God, he would act like one because there's no. I can't. My mind cannot understand why bad things, awful things, so much loss happens and God just sits around and does nothing. [00:20:38] So, yes, I am mad. [00:20:41] And I would say a lot of humanity is mad. You know why? Because the humanity's biggest, biggest argument about the existence of God is, what if God exists, then why do bad things happen? [00:20:58] You know what humanity is really asking when they say that? You and your friends are asking? [00:21:04] They're like, why should I care? [00:21:08] Why should I care if God exists? [00:21:11] Why, if God doesn't even care? [00:21:15] If God doesn't care, he's not caring. I don't even care if he exists. And that, my friends, is a valid, valid question. And he says, hey, blessed are you. So what happens then? So they go and tell John, and then Jesus does something that he doesn't do for a lot of people. See, John's been talking about Jesus behind his back in a very good way his whole life, right? John's been talking about Jesus. Now Jesus talks about John behind his back. So the guys go to John, and then he looks at the crowd and he tells them, it says here, as they departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John. [00:21:56] And this, my friends, is super challenging. This is like, okay, hold on to your soul because it might get rocky here. Okay, here's what he says. He says, what did you go out into the wilderness to see. So he looks at them. He's talking about John. He's like, hey, what kind of guy did you expect to see when you were out there in the wilderness? [00:22:18] Like, who expecting to find the wilderness, by the way, what kind of guy does, what kind of person does what John does? Let me ask you this. What kind of person were you expecting? Were you expecting a guy, he says here, a reed shaken by the wind. Were you expecting a guy who'd be shaken by the wind? [00:22:36] Were you expecting that kind of guy who would be easily manipulated, who sees something on TikTok and all of a sudden his whole view of life has changed? [00:22:49] Who gives credit or who has given rise to, literally, influencers because they influence people? [00:22:56] Like, were you expecting that kind of guy who gets easily just swayed by culture or swayed by whatever? If it sounds good, it's probably good. If it sounds true, it's probably true. What kind of guy were you expecting? What kind of person were you expecting a person, when a storm comes, when something does not work out, did they just sway? What kind of person? I just wanna ask you, what kind of guy do you think John is? Like? All of a sudden? They're like, what is happening here? Why are you talking about John like this? He's like, let me just tell you, John's not that guy. [00:23:26] He is not a reed shaken by the wind. Then Jesus gets fired up a little bit more. He says, oh, by the way, also, also, did you, did you go out, did you go out to see a man clothed in soft clothed garments? Indeed, those who wear soft clothings are in kings houses. He goes on, I think he's getting a little hot out here. He's like, hey, also, did you expect the guy, this guy to be like, really? Like, you know, just privileged? Like, did you see a guy, did you think John is a guy who cared about, like, being. Just being comfortable? Which I would be like, stop. I do. I care about being comfortable. I mean, just look at this. You know what I'm saying? Like, I want to be comfortable. We all want to be comfortable. But he's like, what kind of guy do you think? You think John is? The guy who just pursues comfort and pursues like, riches, pursues fine clothing, loves labels. Have you seen anybody walking around? They're like, how many labels are you wearing, bro? [00:24:29] You're sponsored by all of them. Like, what? What? Like, I get that. But he's saying, hey, he's getting a little, I don't know, just a little bit. Like, okay, what kind of guy were you expecting, what kind of guy were you expecting to do the stuff that I've called him to do? Then he goes on, he doesn't stop there. He goes, okay, what about this? He said, did you go out? What? Did you go out to see a prophet? Did you go out to see a prophet? Because there are a lot of them. [00:24:58] Did you go out and see a guy who just loved position, who loved power? Because religious people love power. They just love it. They're like, when we get power, we will change the world. And that is the, he's like, you think that's the thing? You think that they're giving Christianity power? And even, let me just tell you, putting people in, figuring out a way to get the right people in politics so Christianity has more power so we can fix the nation or fix the world. That is not true. [00:25:29] He's like, you think that's power? [00:25:32] You think power fixes? Do you know that every time the church got power, it became corrupt? [00:25:38] Just look at the catholic church. Just look at a lot of our denominations. [00:25:43] It's not. He says, he says, you think this kind of person who just wanted a position, he's the kind of guy. [00:25:51] What were you expecting to find? He says, a prophet. He says, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'll tell you what, he's more than a prophet. He is. It says here, he is whom it is written. Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you. And then he says, assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women, there has not risen one greater than who? John the Baptist. And then he says, but he is least in the kingdom of heaven. But he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than. Than he. What is he saying here? He's saying, first of all, I just can't tell you what kind of guy John is. I can't. There's no one to explain here. When I think of the world and I look at the person, I can't tell you a greater person than a person who has so much perseverance, so much determination, will do things. I'll tell you this. John knows exactly the message I gave him, and he is not going to die bitter, because he's going to know exactly what I've reminded him of. I've reminded him about the kingdom of heaven, the purpose that we are driven to pursue and to achieve. I'll tell you what. He's going to go for it. He's not that kind of guy that you think. He's not precious. He has a purpose. He's doing this. And then Jesus says this confusing thing about the least and the greatest. And he basically says this. He's saying, listen, the person who's trying to figure out how to live their life in the gospel, in the story of Jesus, like in the kingdom of heaven, really, he says, you can mess up all the way, but you, the person who is living out the gospel, least in the gospel is actually bigger than the person who is fulfilling all the laws. He says, you're religious people, you're fulfilling all the laws, you're doing all those things and you think you're the ones. And he's like, that's not it, this religious, because he was talking to religious leaders as well. He was saying, this is, you've missed it. So you can be the least in the kingdom of heaven and be greatest. [00:28:08] Basically, you could be greatest because that's not the measurement anymore. In fact, Jesus, maybe he looks at some religious leaders and he goes, let me just tell you right now, I don't know what kind of church game you are playing, but let me tell you what it feels like. It feels like he says this, he says the next verse, verse 16, he says, to what? To what do I compare this nation, this generation? [00:28:33] To what can I compare this generation? [00:28:37] It is like what, children playing a game in the public square. It's like, I don't know what's going on, but all this bickering and fighting and all this stuff that you guys are doing, you guys are just playing a game. And this is not a game. Like, I know you're supposed to have a childlike faith, but your childlike faith is actually childish because you know what has to happen. [00:29:07] Kids cannot resolve conflict by themselves. [00:29:10] They have an adult to come in and resolve it. And it's no wonder, friends, we find ourselves in the church even bickering and arguing about stuff that will pass away. [00:29:23] And Jesus is like, to what will? I mean, I know he's talking about that generation, but I think of this and I think, does it apply to us? Could it apply to us? Are we wasting our time being the church that bickers and fights? [00:29:35] And while we're doing like Jesus is saying, you're just playing games in public squares. You're these kids who are not concerned about the real life issues with people. You're talking about things. And while people are suffering, you're complaining about a theology when people are desperately needing someone to talk to. What in the world are you doing to be so unique and different and all that you're distancing yourself from people who need the gospel the most. What are you doing? You're, like, playing. You're like kids just playing in the street. [00:30:14] What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? [00:30:19] What are you doing? Now I skipped over a verse, and I want to go back to it, because in verse twelve, Jesus kind of tells us something. I think this is the takeaway, right? And he says this. He says, let me just tell you, from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. [00:30:48] Violent take it by force. Okay. What does that mean? Number one, I wanted to let you know that this translation and other english translations have a hard time understanding and explaining. In fact, theologians and commentators say, I'm not. [00:31:02] If we translate it the way we think it is, it doesn't make sense in the english language, because what it's really saying is that the kingdom of heaven suffers a lot of resistance. But the strong. [00:31:18] But the strong. The courageous, determined, move it forward. That's what he's talking about. That's what he's saying. You know, I was. I've been watching shows on Netflix, right? Different shows. I've got this one right now. It's called don't judge me, but it's funny. It's called physical 100. Anybody heard of it? It's a south korean show. Yeah. I love that thing. Okay, thank you. One person. All right. You guys should watch that. Okay. It's. I love it. It's all. They're speaking Korean. It's amazing. And it's all physical strength. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, they're doing this. I'm like, this is great. This is, like, strength. Strong and all that. But a lot of it is physical strength. But I think some of it, or a lot of it even, is mental strength. And I just thought about that strength. Start thinking about this passage when Jesus says, hey, the strong take it by force. Not the strong take it by force. The word strong, actually. You want to learn some Hebrew? You want to learn some Hebrew? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay. Is the word khazaa. Can you say khazae? [00:32:17] So turn to your neighbor and say you're khaza? Yeah, you're strong. Khaza. The word strong, again, that word means determined, resilient, has perseverance able to do it, not someone who is fragile when it comes to soul and mind and spirit. [00:32:39] And Jesus saying, like, the church that the world needs is a church that understands that there is violent people coming against it. But, man. But the strong will take it by force. It's the strong that will last. [00:32:58] So let me ask you guys this. [00:33:00] Could we challenge ourselves to go, hey, am I just precious or do I have a purpose? Am I going to get offended? [00:33:10] Because I'll tell you what offense does, right? Cause offense doesn't just, like, mess with your peace, right? [00:33:17] It doesn't just take away your peace like someone offends you in the day. It could be a small thing. It could be a big thing. They just offend you. And you're like, and you're bothered by it. Have you ever been there? You're just bothered by the comment. You're bothered by the action. You're bothered by whatever, and it robs you from your peace. But here's the thing. Offense doesn't just rob you from your peace. [00:33:38] It actually keeps you from your purpose. It actually distracts you from the purpose. Because people in my life who are on a mission, who have a purpose in their life, who are like, I'm going somewhere, they don't have time to remember how you ticked them off. [00:33:57] They don't have time to remember your criticism. They don't have time to have offense because offense takes so much energy. [00:34:05] It just takes so much energy. And for some of us, we have given our energy to other people. [00:34:10] We just go, and I'm offended. And I'm offended, man. [00:34:15] How about a church that cannot get offended? [00:34:20] What? How about being a people? You cannot offend me. [00:34:25] You can hurt me. You can do a lot, but you cannot offend me because I don't get offended. [00:34:33] I don't get offended because I have such a big purpose. I have such a goal. I'm so consumed with what I need to get done that I'm not. I don't have time for this. I don't have time for this. I don't have time for bitterness. I don't have time for bickering. I don't have time for this. So as we end our conversation, and if you've missed these conversations, these have been really great because they've been super challenging for us. But it's the world, the church. It's the church the world needs. [00:35:03] It's a different kind of people. [00:35:06] Different kind of people. So let me pray first. Can I do that? Let's stand together. [00:35:13] As you stand, as you stand, I want to read you a passage. I want to read a passage, in fact, over you. It's in Hebrews ten. [00:35:22] Hebrews 1039 is a passage that it was one of the first passages that I really loved. And when I was leading a group in my twenties, this was kind of like that passage. It became our vision for our group. And this passage is just one that reminds me that in the midst of my weakness, in the midst of me being just a person who has feelings and is vulnerable and gets hurt, can be manipulated and can be offended and all those things, this verse reminds me of just kind of a focus of like the kind of person I want to be, the kind of prayer I want to pray. [00:36:04] Hebrews ten. It says this, it says, we, we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe. [00:36:16] And I just love this. And so I want to just pray this over you. Can I do that? Let's pray together. [00:36:22] Lord God, I pray, God, that we would be people, people, God, who would not shrink back. [00:36:32] We would not shrink back and allow our dreams and our visions to be destroyed. We would not shrink back because of criticism or a comment or. And action. We would not shrink back because of our resistance, because it's hard, because it's messy, we wouldn't shrink back because we're confused right now. We wouldn't shrink back because life is hard and marriage is hard and kids are too hard right now, we wouldn't shrink back in life. [00:36:55] We wouldn't shrink back. God, God, I know it's a prayer because I want to shrink back in my own strength, I want to shrink back. But God, I know that if I allow myself, allow myself to surrender, you'll fill it with your strength. I know you can do that supernaturally. I know that. So, God, I pray. I pray for us, God, that we would not be people who would shrink back and we would be destroyed, all our dreams, all our goals, all our hopes. But God know, we would be of those who believe, just like John, we would believe. [00:37:37] We would believe. [00:37:40] So, God, I pray wherever we are right now, as we begin to respond, that we would allow ourselves to be open to you as we sing this song, allow the song to wash away, in one sense, the wash over us. I would say in the midst of our loss and grief, allow us to reengage, to be reminded of who you are. God, tell our soul that though it's broken and hurt, it's fragile, God, tell our soul, remind our soul, God, that you are God, God, as we go to the cross, as we receive communion, as we light a candle or whatever we might do, as we sing our song and just sit, God, remind our souls about who you are, you are still God in Jesus name. Thanks for listening to this message from Mosaic church in Charlotte, North Carolina. For more audio and video content, visit us at Mosaicchurch TV.

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