Why does it seem like the closer people get to God, the less grace they extend to others? Sometimes the most spiritual people extend the least amount of grace. As we continue with Everyday People, Pastor Naeem uses the story of Jonah to show us the grace we’ve been given and the grace we need to give others.
If you have a hard time extending grace to people who don’t believe what you believe, who are progressing on a different faith timeline or don’t live out their beliefs the way you do (or the way you think they should!), this message will help you pass on the grace you’ve received. It just may also help you find grace for yourself in a season or place of confused wandering. You’re not too far astray.
Sunday Sermons is the recorded messages from Mosaic Church in Charlotte, NC. You can catch the entire service by joining us live on Sundays at 9:30 and 11am EST at www.mosaicCLT.online.church
Learn more about our diverse community that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope at https://www.mosaicchurch.tv/
And be sure to check out our other podcast, Becoming Church, where we deep dive topics of faith in conversations with pastors, leaders, authors and other people who will get you thinking about what you believe and how you can live it out.
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