What are you Looking For? - Pastor Naeem Fazal

December 24, 2024 00:34:54
What are you Looking For? - Pastor Naeem Fazal
The Mosaic Church Podcast
What are you Looking For? - Pastor Naeem Fazal

Dec 24 2024 | 00:34:54


Show Notes

When you lose something important like your keys or your cell phone, you know how to find it because you know what it looks like. But sometimes in life, we don’t know what we’re looking for until we see it. Maybe it’s the just-right gift for someone at Christmas, maybe it’s that perfect person who will be “the one,” or maybe it’s a side of God you aren’t expecting to see.
Whether it’s fulfillment, peace, purpose, worth, meaning, admiration, security or success, we’re all looking for something. God wants you to know what it is so you can recognize it when you see it. The story of the magi in Matthew 2 will give you courage to keep looking and pursue the things you’ve missed seeing in your own story.
Sunday Sermons is the recorded messages from Mosaic Church in Charlotte, NC. You can catch the entire service by joining us live on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00am EST at www.mosaicCLT.online.church
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hey, guys, this is naive. And you've reached the Mosaic Church Podcast. So excited that you're part of our listening community, and I'd love for you to be even more connected. So check out our website. There's more content there, and there's more opportunities for you to get connected in our ministries and events as well. Also, love for you to share this content if this has blessed you. I know that God wants to use you to bless other people with it, so share this podcast if you will. Lastly, would you consider supporting this ministry? This is made possible by other people's generosity, and I'd love for you to pay it forward. Join us to reclaim the message and the movement of Jesus together. So would you consider giving to this ministry? I know that God is able to do immeasurably more through us when we come together. Thank you so much. God bless you and enjoy. [00:00:56] That was a little creepy, don't you think? Thanks, Drew. Yeah, man. We're having too much fun. Too much fun. You guys having too much fun? Look at you guys. Wow, man. And look at me, like, right here. Let's just talk about the sweater really quick. If you're trying to figure out what this is, if you're a guest here, I apologize. I apologize. Okay. But this is a gift, and I was promised. I was like, I promised someone I would wear it, so I did. That's Arianne, our trustee. She was there the first service. So this is Jesus on the Titanic in front saying, I'm the king of the world. Okay. Wow. That's crazy. Crazy. Well, hey, I just wanna say I am grateful, so grateful for the fact that we are able to do this as a church, as a community. So if you're visiting, if you're here, it's a fortunate thing not every church community gets to do this. Just have fun and laugh at each other. Enjoy each other. So I just wanna say thank you so much for being you. [00:01:51] Also, I wanna say thank you for those of you who've given to the Christmas offering. So if you don't know about this, we are doing a Christmas offering, which we're collecting a Christmas offering for our partners and our projects for next year. 25k and 15,000 has already come in. So today, and then Christmas Eve, that's the cutoff. So those of you who are like, you know what? I'd love to participate. That's your deal. And the good thing is, friends, we actually have the other 10. We do. [00:02:20] We have it. It's in your bank accounts, but we have it. We have it, friends. We have it. So love for you to give, because we've been able to get to 15. Not because people have written big checks. It's because people have written little checks. Or first of all, who writes checks? But people have given and it all adds up. It all adds up. So love for you to participate on that. So we are ending the series of talks this week because next time we meet on a Sunday, it's going to be the new year 2025. [00:02:55] Crazy pants craziness, Right? But we're going to be obviously doing Christmas Eve services as well. And the Sunday right before, you know, this next Sunday, it's off. We're taking a Sabbath Sunday. We do this every year. And so we'll see you next year. So this is week four, Week four of reporting on Christmas. And apparently we've got some. We got some experts in the house. We've seen experts talking about the story. And today's story is about the wise men, the magi, if you will. And what does the story tell us? Now, I wanna let you know that for that part, this part of the story that we're gonna get into, we have to move from Luke to actually Matthew. So we've been in Luke, the Gospel of Luke, and now we're gonna have to go to Matthew because Luke does not mention the story, which is interesting. He just does not. It does not. So Matthew is the guy who brings this up and brings it to life and talks about this magi coming and visiting and what happens there. So if you got your Bibles, you can turn to that. If you got an app, Mosaic app, you can. The scriptures are on the app and the whole notes are on the app. You can do that, or we'll put it on the screen for you as well. All right, cool. All right, let's jump into that. Let's just jump into that before we read the actual scriptures. This is gonna be in Matthew. [00:04:14] I want to tell you about basically what this passage, how it's spoken to me. The way it's spoken to me is that I was reminded, like when I go to stores, right? I wonder if this has happened to you. When I go to stores, I walk into any store, a store clerk will come up to me and pretty much say the similar greeting, right? They always say something like, can I help you find what you're looking for? Right? Or this is a good one. Are you finding everything all right? Have you ever heard that before? Are you finding everything all right? Which to me, I didn't want to stop and Say, you know what? I love what you've done with this drawer. I think, yeah, I found everything. All right, this is good. But basically what it's saying is, can I help you find what you're looking for? Help you find what you're looking for? So my question to you before we jump into this passage in Matthew, is this question right here. Do you know. Do you know what you're looking for? [00:05:13] Looks like. Do you know what you're looking for? Looks like. Like a gift, right? You walk in a store, you're like, I'm looking for a gift. What does it look like? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It's something. It's something I want. Something. I know it's a gift, but I don't know what it is. What about in life, though? Do you know? Do you know what you're looking for? Looks like. Like, for example, for some of us, we want a deep faith. Do you know what it looks like? We want peace. Do you know what it looks like? We want fulfilling marriage. Do you know what it looks like? We want friendships. Do you know what it looks like? Do you? [00:05:46] I want satisfaction. I want success. I want all the things, whatever thing that you think about a lot, I want that. You're looking for it. You're looking for it, but you know what it looks like. Do you? I mean, we hear songs about, you know, what. Still haven't found what I'm looking for. Yeah, but if you find it, would you recognize it? So if peace would step into your life, if Joy would step into your life, if significant would step into your life, would you and I be able to recognize it? You see, the story of Jesus is where God steps into human history. He's around people, very spiritual people, and they cannot recognize him. They don't even notice that the Son of God is in their midst. It's very interesting. The Christmas story is this profound question of why is humanity unable to see the things that it desires the most? Why is it that we find ourselves blind to the things that are right in front of us, the things that we are really, truly wanting in life? It's so hard, isn't it? Gratitude does allow us to see some of that. But then what does the scriptures tell us? What does the story tell us about finding the things we're looking for? So I want you to know that God wants to help you find what you're looking for. He wants you to see and discover, learn to recognize what you truly desire and what it Looks like. But let's jump into the story. Can we do that? Jump into the story. Okay. Matthew. So Matthew, it starts off and says, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in Judah, in Judea, during the time of King Herod. King who? Herod. Remember King Herod. Okay. It says a magi. Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, where. Where. Where is the one who has been born? Born what? King of the Jews. King of the Jews. Which is interesting because people are never born kings. They're born princes. Prince. [00:07:48] They're not kings, but he is like, we know that there's a king. Did they really know what they were looking for? [00:07:57] Did they know. It goes on. It says, when we saw. We saw his star when it rose and have come to what? Come to worship him. Which is interesting because the word worship right here is the Greek word proskineo. Can you say that? [00:08:12] Yes. Which means actually to bow. Formal greeting. But not worship. Like sing songs. That's singing. There's no ban involved. There's nothing like that. It's not a thing. It's just basically, we want to show respect. Story goes on, though. Story goes on. What happens then when it says, when King Herod. When King Herod. Remember King Herod. When he heard this, he was what? He was what? He was disturbed. He was like, hey, hey, hey, hey. And guess what? And all of Jerusalem with him. Which is interesting. Really, Bernie? All of Jerusalem. Anyways, okay. All of Jerusalem was freaked out. Why? Because if the king's upset, everybody's upset, apparently. So what happens? It goes on and says when he called together all the peoples chief priests. So he calls them together and teachers of the law, he asked them, where is this Messiah? Apparently, like, these guys come up to me, they're coming into my town here, and they're telling me, like, there's a messiah being born. What's up with that? Because here's the thing. When the magi came, we know they're astrologers. We know they're not Jewish people. We know also they didn't come like three of them, which is not. Obviously. We know also the last couple of weeks that this man, this whole manger scene situation is all off, right? It is all off. Okay? It's so messed up in so many, so many ways, because this scene never happened. Cause these guys were not there. These guys were not there. This guy was definitely not white, but just Jesus. Okay? And. Yeah. And he was on a baby. He was on a baby. Because it had been two years. Two years. [00:09:44] How many years was he Two years. Or as moms or newly parents like to say, 24 months. Which, by the way, why, why do you do that? Why do you do that? If you're gonna do it, then just continue it. Just continue it. I say we continue it. You know what, have you ever freaked out about your 20s, 30s, you say, I'm turning 40. I'll tell you what, let's just all go to months. Let's all go to months. I did the Math. I am 608 months old. [00:10:15] I've been old for a while. That's why I'm always tired, by the way. I'm like, oh, yeah, guess what? If you just count yourself with months, 24 months. It's already 24. Just go with that, go with that. Anyways, we're moving on. Moving on, okay? So they asked them, they bring the teachers, they bring all that, and they go, where is this Messiah to be born? Like, hey, hey, by the way, what's going on here? What's going on here? So the king brings the religious people, and apparently the rich people have not been looking because magi are showing up and they're looking. [00:10:47] And they didn't come alone. There's a whole posse of them. So he comes in your town, you pay attention. They come straight to his kingdom, his palace, and they go, hey, hey, hey, what's going on? There's a royal birth here. Royal birth here. We want to know what's up, what's up? And why do you not know? So he brings in the priests, and the priests are like, ah, we weren't looking. We weren't looking. Maybe they were looking for a messiah, but they were not definitely looking for a messiah to be born in Bethlehem. So then what happens? So they go, they look through the old writing and they go, hold on, hold on, let's figure this out. And it says here in Bethlehem, in Judah. They replied, for this is what the prophets have. Has written. And here's what they wrote, okay? Says, but you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah are by no means what the least among the rulers of Judah out of. For out of you will come a ruler, and he will be the shepherd of my people. What Israel? So they go, you know what? Apparently there are writings that say that there is a shepherd, but we just don't know. We just don't know. So you have the magi looking for something. Now you got the king curious now. Now you've got the religious leaders, the Pharisees going, okay, I guess we should be looking around too, because we had no Idea. Isn't it interesting to be caught off guard? You're like, oh, I'm. This is my. This is your job. And you're like, you don't know this is happening. Okay. Anyways, okay, so now the king's mad. They're freaked out. Everybody's terrified. What's happening? So the Herod, he says, here's what he does. [00:12:23] He called the Magi secretly. He's like, hey, hey, hey, don't make a scene. Just come to the back door. Through the back door. I don't wanna make a big. I don't wanna tell the whole town about this. Let's not go crazy about this. Let's just get. Let's come here, come here. And he found out, found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. They're like, okay, tell me more, tell me more. So the story continues. And he says, so he sent them. After he found out, he said, he sent them to Bethlehem and said, go. Go ahead. Say what? Go ahead and search and carefully. And as soon as you find him, just report to me. Just let me know, because I want to go. I want to go, too. I want to go too. And I want to worship him too. I do want to. I want to pay tribute to that, to him. Now, is that really, really what's happening? I'm not quite sure if that's really his intent. He wants to come and he's like, I'm all bored. I'm good. I'm good with this. Well, the story continues, right? What happens then? It says after they'd heard the king, they went on their way, and the star that had been the star they had seen when it rose, went ahead of them until it stopped over place where the child was. Again, the star did not land on the manger, because no one's in the manger, but you can buy this for $12.99. Okay, but still it is not true. Okay, it's not true. So what happens then? Well, it says when they saw the star, they were overjoyed on coming to the house. Not a manger. They saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and did what? They bowed down and worshiped again. Again. Did they really worship? What were they really doing? Because what happens after that? What happens after that is they opened up their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh, which again, we found out by Dr. Wiseman that, I mean, I know it was funny, but it was actually true that these were not gifts for a Messiah or a toddler or anything like that. These were a gift for a king. So I wonder if what they were looking for, they knew what it looked like. Maybe they didn't. It didn't seem like they knew or what they were looking for looked like because they brought all these other gifts. So they bring all this and then what interesting happens? Then they have a dream, they stay over the night, and then they have a dream. The dream. In the dream, God tells them, do not go back to King Herod. Do not go tell that guy where Jesus is. Do not do that. Actually, just go ahead and avoid him. Go out another way. You came in the back door through him. Let's not do that. Just go out and leave and go a different route. So they take off. So what do we know about this story? What we know about the story is that everybody's kind of sort of looking for something. [00:15:14] King Herod is looking for something because what happens is he's looking to make sure that his legacy stays. [00:15:21] That's why he was like, hey, go find him and bring him to me. Or I want to worship him. He didn't want to worship him. He didn't want to worship him. Why? Because we know historically, King Herod was very talented, but he was an Arab guy, Was an Arab guy, grew up Jewish, and then was appointed by the Romans to take care of that region. He was a figurehead, but he had fame, he had status, and he had a legacy on the roll. It was happening. The King Herod was like, he had another name, but his son was going to be King Herod as well. So he had this legacy in. [00:16:00] And these people come in and they go, hey, there's a king that's coming. You're not really the king. A true king of Jewish people are coming. Guess what? If you're in charge, you are going to have a problem. You're going to have trouble with that. You're going to be like, you're going to be bothered by that. Why? Because it seems like if a king is born, no longer your son that you know, that you've talked to, because historically, he did take over. He was King Herod during Jesus time. [00:16:26] He's gonna be out. So he's like, no, no, no, let's not do that. What happens also in the story is King Herod, when the magi didn't show up, is freaked out so much about this that he goes, and if you didn't know this, this is shocking. [00:16:41] He puts out a decree that every kid about two years old, every Sorry. Every male that's two years old should be killed. And they kill them all. They kill all the Jewish male boys that are around 2 years old. [00:16:58] This is shocking. It's like, what is going on? And again, this is not part of the Christmas story. And we don't have that in the manger. You can't buy that. Okay. Because, I mean, that's not a good Christmas story. That's not a good one. All these kids are dead. No, but that is part of. What was he looking for? He was looking for a sense of security and legacy, but instead he settled for control and domination and oppression. [00:17:27] Sometimes we look for. We need a sense of security. We need things to work out a certain way. [00:17:35] So we settle for controlling people, controlling others, because we don't know what we're looking for looks like. But we know that even when we control people, if you're in control, guess what? You feel secure. We feel secure. I'm secure. My legacy is my position, and my job is secure. I'm secure. Why? Because you're controlling everybody. How's this relationship going? Great. [00:18:01] Are you insecure? Not at all. Why? Cause I'm in control. I make all the decisions. I make all those things. That's interesting, isn't it? What about the religious leaders? Pharisees, right? These guys who got caught off guard. What do you think they were looking for as they lived their lives being religious people? What are religious people looking for? I think we should relate to them. If you're here, you're making time to be here. What do religious people want? What do we want? We want a deep relationship with God, a righteousness. But I feel like sometimes we just settle for religion and routine and ceremony. That we're looking for a deep faith, a deep relationship. We just end up with just religion and rituals. We just. [00:18:53] We settle for that. They weren't even looking for a messiah because they had settled. See, sometimes in our faith, the reason why our faith is just. [00:19:02] It's just stagnant is because we have stopped looking for God. We stopped imagining who God is and how he works in our lives. We stopped investigating who God is. We're not like the magi making. No, no. It's the magi who are not even religious people who are looking for the Messiah. And here spiritual people are not even looking. They're in the middle of God's activity and they do not even recognize. Forget that they're not even looking until the king comes calls them up in their office and says, by the way, did you get the memo yeah, yeah. Had Magis come in. What are you guys doing? What's happening here? And then the magi. Then the magi. The magi show up. What are they looking for? I mean, these guys were looking for knowledge. They had a thirst for knowledge and discovery and adventure. But here's what's interesting about them. They are never mentioned again. Did you know that? They were never mentioned again. They exist in Christmas movies, but that's about it. [00:20:01] They are gone from the Gospels. Not even from the Gospels. They're gone from all of what we know of Jesus history. They never show up. They don't come back and go, hey, you remember me? You were 24 months old. You know? [00:20:16] Yeah, you remember me? Yeah, I gave you myrrh. Like, what? What? No, they don't show up in any story. They're not there. While he was doing miracles. There's no reference to them. And I just wonder. [00:20:31] I wonder if the. If they. What they were looking for was knowledge and discovery, and they just settled for accomplishment. And they were like, we did this, we did this, we did this, and we did it, and we're done. I wonder if some of us were just wanting accomplishment, not necessarily a sense of adventure or sense of knowledge we're setting for. I just want to accomplish certain things. I really don't even care how we get there. I just want this. I just want to be able to say that I've accomplished this because, I mean, I can relate to that. I want to accomplish certain things because accomplishments gives me something. And whatever that feeling is, is what I'm really looking for. I just don't know what it looks like. So I just feel like, well, it looks like accomplishments. It looks like this. So it does it. And the problem with accomplishments is it's not what you're looking for. It's not what your soul's looking for. All the things that we say, okay, this is. We want significance. But I'll tell you what. Give me success any day, and that will do until it won't do anymore. And you're like, ah, I want. [00:21:44] I want more. I want more. I want everything to be. [00:21:48] I just don't want anything to go wrong. I want all the things to work out in my life. And so I'm good with that. I'm good with just mediocrity. Don't rock the boat. Because that gives me a sense of peace. Peace is what I'm really looking for. But I've settled for just nothing happening in my life. [00:22:08] No risk, no faith. [00:22:12] Is that the life that God's calling us to live. Is that the life we're supposed to live? Is that what the story tells us? Why did Matthew. Out of all the gospels, only Matthew records this. And I just kind of wonder. I wonder if God's saying, hey, I want to help you find what you're looking for, but let me just tell you right now, you don't even know what it looks like. You don't. You don't. You want a deep faith, you want a life of fulfillment, but you don't know what it looks like. And so what is the solution? Because here's another part of the problem, right? The conundrum, if you want to call it, is that your sense of significance is not. My sense of what significance? Your idea of peace is not my idea of peace. We're so unique, so diverse. It doesn't. Even in a couple, even if you're a married couple, your sense of satisfaction is very different from. From your partners. It's just so different. So we're so unique. So how does God. How does God. [00:23:21] And how can God help us find what we're looking for when we don't know what it looks like? And see here, I believe God gives us a solution, and it's gonna be one of those. You're like, I've seen. Do not give me that. Do not give me that. Because. Oh, my gosh. But there's no other. Honestly, there's no other. Here it is. This is the solution. Okay, I'll put it on the screen for you. The solution. Here's the solution. It's a deep, deep what? [00:23:47] Relationship. With who? God. Through who? Jesus. And you're like, I've so heard that before. I've done the whole. I tried Jesus. I've heard. I've told. People have told me. I've tried Jesus, man. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Yeah, of course you have. Of course you have tried Jesus. Why? Because you probably heard that Jesus, you need Jesus because you have to have a. [00:24:11] You have to have a relationship with God, which. It's not really a relationship, but it's a surface relationship. It's not a deep one. I'll tell you what, let me explain it this way. Jesus is introduced to us, number one, primarily, number one in the Western world as a ticket to not go to hell, number one. It is. It's not deep relationship. It's not like. No, no, no. You just. Who want. Who wants to go to hell? Anybody? [00:24:38] I mean, I've had. I've had. I've heard of schools, Christian schools, asking toddlers this. Who wants to go to hell? There's always one that says, yeah, you know, I would, man. I'd be like, yeah, I want to. Okay, you're there anyway. Is that right? So. [00:24:57] But they go, who wants to go to heaven? [00:24:59] Everybody. Okay, praise Jesus. And so that's our relationship with Jesus. You just don't. You're good. You're good. You're not going to hell. Okay. The other next level to that is that. Okay, who's got a sin problem? Who needs forgiveness? Who feels so guilty about who they. About their thoughts, their actions? Okay, who wants their sins forgiven? Everybody. We do. All right. Jesus. [00:25:21] Jesus. Jesus. Not only does he take you to heaven, guess what? He gives you this thing called grace. Oh, my God. Okay. It's amazing. And you're good. So now your sin problem is over too. Okay, awesome. Awesome. Well, I really wanna live this great life. And I really wanna have this amazing life and prosperous life. Guess what? Jesus wants that too, and he'll do that. You invite Jesus in your life, you'll be successful. You'll have privilege, you have favor of God, you'll be blessed. You have all those things. So now our relationship with God. [00:25:57] Our relationship with God is basically primarily, you're not getting into hell. So that's good. You're going to heaven. Sins are forgiven. And guess what? You are blessed and highly favored. And all those things are great. But let me just tell you friends, and hear me. Those are shallow compared to the depth of a relationship. God is inviting you into a relationship that allows that you allow God to speak to you. That allows him to release within you some things that you never thought possible. Jesus praying this. He prays this out to God. He prays this, and he says he prays. This is his wish for all of us. Okay? He says this. Okay, we'll go to that passage of scripture right now. It says here. It says, this is eternal life. He's praying this out. He says, God, this is eternal life. This is the life that these humans want. This is the life. These disciples want this, the eternal life that these guys want, the fulfillment in life that they want. This is it. This is it. This is it. That they may know you, the one true God and the one you have sent. Who, Jesus Christ. He's praying this out. He's like, I know what these people need. It is you through me. It's you through me. This is what these people. This is what he prayed for. He was like, if they would just tap into that Just tap into that. That it would change everything about them. And I know for some of us, it's like, man, I don't know if this leads me to a deep relationship with Jesus, because what I want is a deep spirituality. I want a deep sense of meaning. And I'm gonna tell you, yes, you can do and accomplish things. Yes, you can have relationships, and yes, you can have these mountaintop amazing experiences. But the end of the day, friends, the one who's gonna unlock something within you is God. Through Jesus. [00:27:51] Is him working in you. There's a passage of scripture that we read as we end every service. Anybody for extra points? Okay. To be on Santa's good list or whatever it's called. Okay. Is it God? The good list? Nice. Whatever. Okay, okay, whatever. I'm not from here. Okay. Anyways. All right, so I was gonna say something. I was gonna, like, I didn't grow up with Santa. I grew up with Saddam Hussein. Anyways, Anyways. But then you know what? That. I just. I. I said it out loud. Okay, okay, we'll cut that. Okay. All right. So what is the passage of scripture? Focus, people. [00:28:31] Okay. Ephesians, what? 3:20. Thank you, Peter. Okay, anybody else? Anybody else? Ephesians 3:20. Right? We read it. We read every. Every. We've been doing this for 18 years. It's not because we don't know any other passage of scripture. Okay. It's not that. [00:28:46] It's. It's a. It's a. It's a prayer that has so much depth. It's a confession that has so much to it. Let me show you. [00:28:56] I'm going to read it to you in a different translation. It's called the message translation. It's paraphrased, just casual. It's like very conversational translation. [00:29:05] And it usually starts with, you know, not O, him who is able to do immeasurably more. But this translation starts off as you can read it. It says here, God can do anything, you know? Like, he can do really anything, you know, far more than you can ever, ever help me out. Ever what Imagine or what guess or in your wildest dreams. He's like, God can do anything, you know, Like, God can really do anything. Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But God no be more than you can imagine. Like, he knows. He knows beyond your requests, beyond your dreams, beyond your wish list. He knows. And he does this. He does this because he wants to. And he does it this way. He does it. He does it not by pushing us around. [00:29:53] No, no. But by working. Working what? Within. [00:29:59] Within Us, within us, within us. Emmanuel says, God is with us. What's profound about that is that a savior walked among us and then he became one of us. And then through his spirit is inside of us. And he says his spirit deeply and gently with us. God wants to unlock and working in you a sense of peace that you never experienced, a sense of satisfaction that you never experienced. And I wish I could be like, oh, I know exactly what you're looking for and here's how to get it. But you are so complicated, so unique. [00:30:43] And your life changes. And as you get older and older, as you get from 24 months to 100 months to whatever, you just change. Your needs change. [00:30:54] And God knows. God knows that in every season of your life, you're looking for different things. You know this and I know this. We are looking for different things in different seasons of life. [00:31:05] The only way to unlock it is for you to have a deep relationship with Jesus that you have allowed him in parts of your life that he can talk to you about and uncover some deep things and have a real relationship with Him. He gently talking to you and convincing you and showing you things, moving, allowing God's spirit to work in you. Have you, my friends, have we done that? You want to know what you're looking for? Looks like it's God who shows you. It's God who shows you. So here's what I want to do. I want to pray for us as the last Sunday of the of release for us. What if this Sunday, what if today you're like God? [00:31:58] Okay, you can have it all, Jesus, I trust that you're more than I can even imagine. And I trust the beauty of you. I trust your heart. I trust you. And I'm going to allow you to invade every part of me. And I'm going to commit to a deeper relationship, a deeper relationship with you for next year. Deeper relationship with you. I'll tell you what, you'll end up one really knowing what you're looking for looks like and begin to recognize what God wants to show you. How you were created to be and what you created to do. So let me pray for us. Can I do that? [00:32:46] Let's pray together. [00:32:48] Lord God, thank you. Thank youk. As we just sit in our seats for a minute. [00:32:54] God, I pray that we allow ourselves to understand that yout, God, you want more for us. It's not like youe want us to be better people or more to do more activities. God, you want more for us. You want more peace for us, more enjoyment, more happiness. More joy for us. You want a deeper conviction. You want more resilience for us, God, you want us to be more powerful and strong. You want us to be more vulnerable and more authentic. You want us to be more imaginative. You want us to be more creative. You want us to be more loving and pure. You want more. [00:33:37] You want more for us. [00:33:40] So, God, I pray that this, this Sunday, this moment, we would commit to more of you, a deep relationship with you, God, through your son, Jesus. [00:33:58] Thank you for your son, Jesus, who's made a way for us to see in real time, in real life, what God looks like and how God acts and what God cares about. [00:34:14] God, thank youk for your son being born, showing us who youo are, how loving youg are, how graceful youl are, how supernatural youl are, how beautiful youl are. [00:34:32] So, God, I pray that as we respond, we will allow ourselves to get lost in that. [00:34:39] In Jesus name, God, let's stand together. Thanks for listening to this message from Mosaic church in Charlotte, North Carolina. For more audio and video content, visit us at MosaicChurch TV.

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